Thursday 6 November 2008

My Perfume Advert

Idea 1:

Idea 2 and Final Idea:

The name of my perfume was "Incomplete" with the anchorage being, "Will you complete me?", in the font of "Tall Paul". I liked the font as it was quite informal but stylish and would seem that it had been hand-written...maybe by the model. I used a perfume bottle from the internet so it was more clear for what the advert was actually advertising.
The photograph is quite faint and very simple, which I wanted to show. Also, the phrase "Less is more" was an influence. The picture is quite faint so it was a bit more subtle similarly to the rest of the advert.

I first thought of what I could take a photo of, or what the perfume advert would be focused on, and then came the idea of having only half a model's face, following came the name of the perfume... [as only half her face is shown, it is not complete...] therefore it is perhaps a link between the name and photo, as many adverts have links between them, (makes more sense).
The perfume adverts that were influencial were, Giorgio Armani's Armani Code as the woman was in a simple black dress, and Daisy by Marc Jacobs which was innocent and bright (which I studied beforehand). I tried to combine both ideas of being simple and then innocently pretty.
I think my perfume advert appeals to the younger generation as the model used was young, as it was hard to get an older model. To improve it and to give more range to the audience I should find an older-looking model. When looking at the "Demographic classification of audience", I think my audience would be in C1 and C2. It would appeal to people who are working class and just into the lower middle class. The advert itself is simple and has limited uniqueness, where as, adverts which you would see in magazines such as Grazia and Cosmo would be a lot more perfected and appeal to a much wider range of audiences. Another model of audience classification is one that classifies not by class but their personal aspirations. I think out of the five segments, the audience I am targeting with my advert would be the mainstreamers, as it is not as exploratory as other perfumes can be. If I were to target the aspirers and social climbers, I could make the advert a lot more high quality with a more engaging picture, one in which was a lot more appealing to everyone.
My advertisement would satisfy needs and/or desires of my audience by making them feel completed, perhaps unlike the model in the advert. The choice of the name "Incomplete" was to show how the model was incomplete herself and that a spray of the perfume would make her feel complete. Therefore making the user, themselves, feel completed too.

1 comment:

mw said...

The colours and font and layout of the advertisement work well. It is pleasing to look at. I am unsure about the name and the appeal to audience.

Identify your audience and then explain how your advertisement satisfies needs/desires. I'm not sure that the 'appeal' of the question 'Will you complete me?' empowers the consumer. mw